About Us

Our lab is dedicated to pursue R&D works utilizing the photoacoustic (PA) technology involving biomedical optics and acoustics. It is an interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary research field. We have undertaken various research projects in the field of PAs. We develop both numerical and experimental methods. We also have a plan to use ML/DL/AI tools in our studies. We have CPU and GPU systems to run simulations. We have a pulsed and tunable Nd:YAG laser system, single-element transducers to carry out PA experiments. We have a PLD system to investigate blood samples for excitation with low-energy laser beams. We have a custom-made PA tomography imaging system. We actively collaborate with national/international scientists and doctors. Our lab is home to a diverse and talented team of researchers, graduate students, and undergraduates, who work together to advance the state-of-the-art PA technology. We also offer opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to participate in our research projects and gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge technologies.​ ​

Prospective PhD students from Science and Engineering backgrounds with NET, GATE, Inspire fellowships may immediately contact us for possible openings.

Funded Projects

  1. SERB, DST (CRG/2023/003278), R&D project, PI, March 2024-March 2027.
  2. DBT (BT/PR44547/MED/32/791/2021), R&D project, PI, March 2023-March 2025.
  3. ICMR (No. 56/2/2020-Hae/BMS), R&D project, PI, January 2021-January 2024.
  4. CSIR (No. IA-27429). Senior Research Associate, PI, October 2013-October 2016.