Current courses

  • Quantum Computing & Information ; B. Tech. (IT & ECE) Elective, 7th Semester
  • Engineering Physics : B. Tech.-IT/EC/IBIN, 1st semester

  • Old courses

  • Engineering Physics : B. Tech.-IT/EC/IBIN, 1st semester

  • Discrete Mathematical Structures (Jan-May,2019): B. Tech. IT

  • Probability & Statistics (2017,2018): B. Tech. IT/ECE 2nd semester (shared with Dr. Sumit Kumar Upadhyay)

  • Biological Data Analytics/Biostatistics: M. Tech. (BioInformatics) 1st Sem
  • Numerical Methods; M. Tech. (BioInformatics) 2nd Sem
  • General Theory of Relativity, course instructed to the M. Sc. and Ph.D. students at HRI, Allahabad 2022-23
  • Classical Mechanics
  • Quantum and Statistical Mechanics: Advanced Methods Elective for PG and PhD scholars .

  • General Relativity
  • Infectious Disease Modeling M. Tech. (Bioinformatics)