
  1. Ramesh K. Bhukya , S. R. M. Prasanna and Biswajit Dev Sarma, "Robust Methods for Text-Dependent Speaker Verification." Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (Springer), vol.38, no. 11, pp. 5253-5288, November 2019. Paper Link
  2. Ramesh K. Bhukya , Biswajit Dev Sarma and S. R. M. Prasanna, "End Point Detection using Speech Specific Knowledge for Text-Dependent Speaker Verification." Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (Springer), vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 5507 - 5539, May 2018. Paper Link
  3. Rajib Sharma Ramesh K. Bhukya , S. R. M. Prasanna, "Analysis of the Hilbert Spectrum for Text-Dependent Speaker Verification." Speech Communication (Elsevier), vol. 96, pp. 207-224, Feb 2018. Paper Link
  4. B. K. Khonglah Ramesh K. Bhukya , S. R. M. Prasanna, "Processing Degraded Speech for Text Dependent Speaker Verification." International Journal of Speech Technology (Springer), vol. 20, pp. 839-850, December 2017. Paper Link
  5. Rajib Sharma, S. R. M. Prasanna Ramesh K. Bhukya and Rohan K. Das. "Analysis of the Intrinsic Mode Functions for Speaker Information." Speech Communication (Elsevier), vol. 91, pp. 1-16, July 2017. Paper Link


  1. Subhadeep Dey, Sujit Barman, Ramesh K. Bhukya , R.K.Das, Haris B. C, S. R. M. Prasanna and R. Sinha, "Speech Biometric Based Attendance System.", in Proc. National Conf. on Communication (NCC), IITK, Kanpur, India, Feb 2014. [Paper Link]
  2. Deepshikha Mahanta, Anupama Paul, Ramesh K. Bhukya , R.K.Das, Rohit Sinha and S. R. M. Prasanna, "Warping Path and Gross Spectrum Information for Speaker Verification Under Degraded Condition.", in Proc. National Conf. on Communication (NCC),} IITG, Guwahati, India, 2016. [Paper Link]
  3. Anupama Paul, Deepshikha Mahanta, R.K.Das Ramesh K. Bhukya and S. R. M. Prasanna, "Presence of Speech Region Detection Using Vowel-like Regions and Spectral Slope Information.", in Proc. IEEE India International Conference (INDICON)}, IITR, Roorkee, India, December 2017. [Paper Link]

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