Computer Security- B.Tech (Busines Informatics)

Theory Class Timing: Monday - 11.00 am to 12.00 noon

Theory Syllabus.        

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C3 marks available here
Topic Content and Assignments Understanding
Cryptography Basic Number Theory Basics
Tutorial and Practical Assignment
Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptography
Digital Signature
Digital Certificate
Basic Terminologies Introduction to Threat, Attack, Virus, Worms, Trojan Horse, Bruteforce, Spoofing.
Security Fundamentals Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability
Non-Repudiaton and need of certificate
User and Message Authentication
Webauthn Registration and Authentication Process
Drawbacks with the Password based Authentication
Honeypot Need of it
Different Types
Buffer Overflow Attack Practice Stack and format string attack in C language Stack Overflow Attack
Format String Attack
BadUSB Introduction
Attack Possibilities
SQL Injection First Order and Second Order SQLi
Prevention - Sanitization, Prepared statement/Stored Producedure
Trusted Platform Module Storage and Operatios
Hardware Security Module
Secure Boot
IPSec Implement using the Strongswan ESP and AH
Tunnel and Transport Mode
SSL/TLS Browser Task for https
Connection Establishment
Heartbleed attack on OpenSSL
Firewall Practice IP Tables Filtering Stages
Basic Firewall Rules
DNSSec Iterative and Recursive Resolver
Different attacks on DNS
Certificate based Solution
Side Channel Analysis Introduction
Simple Power Analysis
Meltdown and Spectre
Port Knocking Usage

Tutorial and Practical Assignment 1 [C1]
Tutorial and Practical Assignment 2 [C1]
Tutorial and Practical Assignment 3 [C1]
Tutorial and Practical Assignment 4 [C2]
Tutorial and Practical Assignment 5 [C2]

Linux command Cheat Sheet by students referring various Internet Sources.

Check Your Attendance Here
Corrections in the attendance needs to be done within two days by mailing it to

Course Instructors: S.Venkatesan

Teaching Assitant (TA):
Mr. Aditya Ray
Ms. Abbina Suppriya