Invited Talks
(1) “MapReduce Framework", Workshop on "Big Data Technologies" , 21 - 25 June, 2021, Tula's Institute (The Engineering & Management College) Dhoolkot, Dehradun. (Online Mode).
(2) “Introduction to DM & Association Mining", Workshop on "Machine learning and Data Analytics (MLDA-2021)" , 28 May - 11 June, 2021 IIIT, Allahabad. (Online Mode).
(3) “Classification-DT, Bayesian", Workshop on "Machine learning and Data Analytics (MLDA-2021)" , 28 May - 11 June, 2021 IIIT, Allahabad. (Online Mode).
(4) “Hierarchical and Density based Clustering of large data", Workshop on "Machine learning and Data Analytics (MLDA-2021)" , 28 May - 11 June, 2021 IIIT, Allahabad. (Online Mode).
(5) “Big Data Analytics (MR, Spark)", Workshop on "Machine learning and Data Analytics (MLDA-2021)" , 28 May - 11 June, 2021 IIIT, Allahabad. (Online Mode).
(6) “Clustering of Large Data/Big Data", AICTE sponsored One Week Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on "Data science and Machine learning" , 28th May, 2021, Narula Institute of Technology, Agarpara, Kolkata. (Online Mode).
(7) “Big data: Challenges and perspective", Webinar on "Computer Society of India, Webinar Series-49" , 21 March 2021, Allahabad. (Online Mode).
(8) “Hierarchical clustering", Faculty Development Programme (ATAL-AICTE) on "Machine Learning and Optimization" , 1 - 5 February, 2021, IIIT- Allahabad, Prayaagraj. (Online Mode).
(9) “Database Management in Mobile Computing/Sensor Network", Faculty Development Programme on "Artificial Intelligence and Ambient Intelligence – Phase 1" , 25th January to 6th February 2021, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science , Chennai. (Online Mode).
(10) “Clustering for IoT Data",Faculty Development Programme (ATAL-AICTE) on "Data Science for IoT" , 9- 13 October, 2020, IIIT- Allahabad, Prayaagraj. (Online Mode).
(11) “Time Series Data Clustering", Workshop on "Time Series Data Analysis (TSDA-2020)" , 28th -29th August, 2020, IIIT- Allahabad, Prayaagraj. (Online Mode).
(12) “Session Chair", International Conference on "Advancements in Interdisciplinary Research(ICAIR 2020)" , July 24 – 26, 2020, FIRMS India and B. M. College, Rajasthan University, Jaipur. (Online Mode).
(13) “Advanced Database Technology", Expert lecture on "Advanced Database" , United Engineering College, Prayaagraj, UP (Online Mode).
(14) “Database Management in Mobile Computing Environment", Seminar on "Emerging Trends in Networking" , VIT Chennai on 20th January 2020.
(15) “Data Mining”, expert lecture on “Data Mining” , BIT- Mesra, Ranchi, Jharkhand (Online Mode).
(16) “Big Data Algorithm”, Faculty Development Programme (ATAL-AICTE) on “Data Sciences” , 8th-12th November, 2019, IIIT- Allahabad, Prayagraj.
(17) “Mining data”, Faculty Development Programme (ATAL-AICTE) on “Data Sciences” , 8th-12th November, 2019, IIIT- Allahabad, Prayagraj.
(18) “Distributed Database Systems”, Faculty Development Programme on “Blockchain” , 21st-25th October, 2019, IIIT- Allahabad, Prayagraj.
(19) “Distributed Database", Workshop on "Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning" , 19th-22nd October, 2019 Global Academy of Technology, Bangalore.
(20) “Data Management in Mobile Computing", Workshop on "Knowledge & Policy for Sustainable Development: Global Lessons and Local Challenges" , 25th September to 27th September, 2019 at GGS Indraprastha University, Delhi.
(21) “Distributed Database and Consensus Protocols ", Workshop on "Block Chain" , 16th September to 20th September, 2019 MNNIT- Allahabad, Prayagraj.
(22) “Mining Data and Big data algorithms”, Workshop on "MACHINE INTELLIGENCE AND SIGNAL PROCESSING" , September 7-10, 2019, IIIT- Allahabad, Prayagraj.
(23) “Data Management in Mobile Computing", Faculty Development Programme on "Emerging Trends in Networking" , 24 June - 28 June, 2019 Centre for Advanced Studies, AKTU, Lucknow.
(24) “Big Data Mining and Multi Relational Data Mining", Workshop on "Machine Learning & Data Analytics 2019" , 25 May - 31 May, 2019 IIIT Allahabad.
(25) “New Trends in Wireless Sensor Networks",Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme on "Advances in Wireless and Optical Networks" , 27 May - 01 June, 2019 Rajkiya Engineering College, Azamgarh, UP.
(26) “Current Trends in Integration of IoT with Blockchain Technology", "Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme" , 11 March - 15 March, 2019 Rajkiya Engineering College, Azamgarh, UP.
(27) “Machine Learning for Business Intelligence: Concepts, Techniques and Applications", Faculty Development Programme on "Advancement in Machine Learning" , 26 February - 2 March, 2019 at I.E.R.T. Prayagraj
(28) “Lecture on e-Learning", Workshop on "Faculty Development Centre sponsored by MHRD" , 11th February, 2019
(29) “Big Data in Life Sciences and Healthcare (BDLSH-2019)", Workshop on "Big Data Mining" , 12 February - 13 February, 2019 at Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow Campus.
(30) “Data Mining Algoritms-Large Enough", Faculty Development Programme on "Data Mining" , 1 June - 6 June, 2018 Shambhunath Institute of Engineering & Technology, Allahabad.
(31) “ Data management in Mobile Computing", Faculty Development Program on "Advance Computer Network" , 1 May - 5 May, 2018 United College of Engineering and Research, Allahabad.
(32) “Mining Big Data", Workshop on "Parallel and Distributed Data Stream Mining" , 19 December - 23 December, 2017 IIIT, Allahabad.
(33) “Mining Big Data", Workshop on "Machine learning and Data Analytics (MLDA-2017)" , 13 July - 18 July, 2017 IIIT, Allahabad.
(34) “Social Network Analysis", Workshop on "Machine learning and Data Analytics (MLDA-2017)" , 13 July - 18 July, 2017 IIIT, Allahabad.
(35) “IoT and Wireless Sensor Networks", Short Term Course on "Workshop on Antenna Design and Signal Processing Techniques for 5G Networks and IoT"(ADSPNIT-2017) , 27 Feb - 4 March, 2017 MNNIT, Allahabad.
(36) “Mining Large Data", Short Term Course on "Workshop on Emerging Trends in Communication & Information Technology" (COMMIT-2017) , 30 Jan - 3 Feb, 2017 SHUATS, Allahabad.
(37) Keynote Speaker, in on “International workshop on Role of technological advances, incubation themes and engineering skills (TAITES-2016)" , at CIT Kokarajhar, Assam, 21-23 January, 2016.
(38) “Advances in database management systems", in on “Inservice course of PGT (CS) of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan” , Allahabad, 26th May 2016.
(39) Keynote Speaker, in on “National workshop on Creation and Establishment of Virtual Classroom and e-Learning” , at SHIATS Allahabad, 5-6 May, 2015.
(40) “Data Management in mobile computing", Short Term Course on "Mobile, Ad hoc and Vehicular Communication" (MAVECOM-2013) , July 22-27, 2013 MNNIT, Allahabad.
(41) “Database Systems” in "Workshop on AFRES and PRIME", held at Headquarter North Central Railway-Allahabad during 24-28 January 2011.
(42) “Application of Database Management Systems in Agriculture” in “National Training program on Trends in Bioinformatics and Computation Systems: Exploring Interconnections for Molecular Biological Applications” , under “National Agriculture Innovation Project”, 16-29 July 2011 at National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms (NBAIM), Mau. U.P.
(43) “Multidimensional modeling and data mining application” in “Short term course on Data Digitization, Data Warehousing & Data Mining” in 24-28th 2009 supported by DIT,MCIT,GOI organized by IIIT, Allahabad.
(44) "Data management in Wireless Sensor Networks" in "pre-conference Workshop of WCSN" , 11-15 December 2007 at IIIT-Allahabad.
(45) "Database Technology" , Finishing school for engineering students June 1-July 15, 2008 IIIT-Allahabad.
Workshop Attended
(1) “International seminar on Empowering Visually Impaired Through ICT” April 15-16, 2009 at RGIIT, Amethi.
(2) “National Workshop on NPTEL (National Programme for Technology Enhanced Learning) ” June 27-28, 2007 at IIT, Kanpur.
(3) “International conference of forum of scientists from south and south East Asia on : Capacity building in science and technology, policy perspective, opportunities and challenges in the context of globalization ” November 15-16, 2007 at INSA(Indian National Science Academy), New Delhi.
(4) “National Seminar on Empowering Rural Health Through ICT” August 19-20, 2007 at RGIIT(a campus of IIIT- Allahabad), Amethi.
(5) “International conference cum workshop on 4G mobile technology” December, 2004 at Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Extension Center, Noida.
Workshop/Short term courses organized
(1) Course Coordinator of Talentedge CSTCP Industry Partner workshop titled as "Workshop on Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics" (MLBDA)-2021 , 27 June, 2021 - 27 June, 2022 at IIIT Allahabad.
(2) Coordinator of CSIR and DST-SERB sponsored workshop titled as "Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Analytics" (MLDA)-2019 , 25 May - 31 May, 2019 at IIIT Allahabad.
(3) Coordinator of CSIR and DST-SERB sponsored workshop titled as "Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Analytics" (MLDA)-2018 , 20 June- 26 June, 2018 at IIIT Allahabad.
(4) Coordinator of CSIR and DST-SERB sponsored workshop titled as "Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Analytics" (MLDA)-2017 , 13 July-18 July 2017 at IIIT Allahabad.
(5) Coordinator of IEEE Workshop on "Computational Intelligence" (CIW-2014) , 13-15th October, 2014 at IIIT Allahabad.
Conference/Workshop (Program Committee member)
(1) “Technical Program Committee member of ICAAAIML' 2022: Third International Conference on Advances and Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning” September 16-17, 2022, School of Engineering & Technology, Sharda University.
(2) “Organizing committee member of International conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks” December 15-19, 2011 at IIIT, Allahabad.
(3) “Organizing committee member of International conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks ” December 15-19, 2010 at IIIT, Allahabad.
(4) “Organizing committee member of International conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks” December 15-19, 2009 at IIIT, Allahabad.
(5) “Organizing committee member of Science Conclave for Nobel Laureates” December 8-14, 2009 at IIIT, Allahabad.
(6) “Organizing committee member of Science Conclave for Nobel Laureates” December 8-14, 2008 at IIIT, Allahabad.
(7) “Organizing committee member of International conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks” December, 2008 at IIIT, Allahabad.
(8) “Organizing committee member of International conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks” December, 2007 at IIIT, Allahabad.
(9) “Organizing committee member of International conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks” December, 2006 at IIIT, Allahabad.
(10) “Organizing committee member of All India VC conference” November, 2005 at IIIT, Allahabad.
(1) "Adaptive hyperparameter optimization for short term traffic flow prediction with spatial temporal correlated raster data" accepted in Evolving Systems (2024), (Impact Factor: 2.8).
(2) "Distributed hyperparameter optimization based multivariate time series forecasting" accepted in Multimedia Tools and Applications (2024), (Impact Factor: 3.6).
(3) "An efficient real-time stock prediction exploiting incremental learning and deep learning" accepted in Evolving Systems (2023), (Impact Factor: 2.347).
(4) "Adaptive load balancing in cluster computing environment" accepted in The Journal of Supercomputing (2023), (Impact Factor: 3.3).
(5) "A survey on event detection approaches for sensor based IoT" accepted in Elsevier-Internet of Things (2023), (Impact Factor: 5.9).
(6) "AEDS-IoT: Adaptive clustering-based Event Detection Scheme for IoT data streams" accepted in Elsevier-Internet of Things (2023), (Impact Factor: 5.9).
(7) "Multivariate time series short term forecasting using cumulative data of coronavirus" accepted in Evolving Systems (2023), (Impact Factor: 3.2).
(8) "Real-time traffic light violations using distributed streaming" accepted in The Journal of Supercomputing (2023), (Impact Factor: 3.3).
(9) "Improved multi-class classification approach for imbalanced big data on spark" accepted in The Journal of Supercomputing (2023), (Impact Factor: 3.3).
(10) "Distributed Item Recommendation Using Sentiment Analysis" accepted in Proceedings of International Conference on Data Science and Applications (2023).
(11) "Analysis and forecasting of air quality index based on satellite data" accepted in Inhalation Toxicology (2023), (Impact Factor: 3.011).
(12) "Quality Assessment and Monitoring of River Water Using IoT Infrastructure" accepted in IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2023), (Impact Factor: 10.238).
(13) "Performance analysis and deployment of partitioning strategies in apache spark" accepted in Procedia Computer Science (2023), (Impact Factor: 0.883).
(14) "Stock Market Prediction Using Ensemble Learning and Sentimental Analysis" accepted in Machine Learning, Image Processing, Network Security and Data Sciences (2023).
(15) "A Methodological Review of Time Series Forecasting with Deep Learning Model: A Case Study on Electricity Load and Price Prediction" accepted in Machine Learning, Image Processing, Network Security and Data Sciences (2023).
(16) "Cluster Based Smart Random Walk for Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network" accepted in 2022 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Technologies and Applications (2022).
(17) "Distributed Decision Fusion for Large Scale IoT-Ecosystem" accepted in 2022 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Technologies and Applications (2022).
(18) "Sound Event Detection using Federated Learning" accepted in 2022 IEEE 9th Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical Electronics and Computer Engineering (2022).
(19) "A Hybrid Approach based Stress Monitoring System for Office Environment using IoT" accepted in 2022 IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON) (2022).
(20) "Random Partition Based Adaptive Distributed Kernelized SVM for Big Data" accepted in IEEE Access (2022), (Impact Factor: 3.47).
(21) "Air quality analysis during COVID-19 utilizing satellite data" accepted in 2022 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT) (2022).
(22) "Data visualization through non linear dimensionality reduction using feature based Ricci flow embedding" accepted in Multimedia Tools and Applications 81 (11), 14831-14850 (2022), (Impact Factor: 2.757).
(23) "Pipeline Based Big Data Sketching" accepted in 2021 5th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (2021), (Impact Factor: N/A).
(24) "WSN localization using similarity-based Ricci flow embedding" accepted in IEEE Sensors Journal (2021), (Impact Factor: 3.301).
(25) "A rotation based regularization method for semi-supervised learning" accepted in Pattern Analysis and Applications (2021), (Impact Factor: 2.307).
(26) "Fingerprint identification using modified capsule network" accepted in 2021 12th International conference on computing communication and networking (2021).
(27) "Multiclass imbalanced big data classification utilizing spark cluster" accepted in 2021 12th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking (2021).
(28) "Improving Classification Accuracy Using Data Fusion Technique in IoT." accepted in PACIS (2021).
(29) "Regularized Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network" accepted in Computer Vision and Image Processing: 5th International Conference, CVIP (2021).
(30) "Distributed synthesized association mining for big transactional data." accepted in Sādhanā (2020), (Impact Factor: 0.849).
(31) "Interpreting SVM for medical images using Quadtree." accepted in Multimedia Tools and Applications (2020), (Impact Factor: 2.757).
(32) "Manifold learning with localized procrustes analysis based WSN localization" accepted in IEEE Sensors Letters (2020), (Impact Factor: 2.474).
(33) "Anticomplementary Triangles for Efficient Coverage in Sensor Network-Based IoT" accepted in IEEE Systems Journal (2020), (Impact Factor: 3.987).
(34) "Sparse Matrix Completion for Effective Recommendation System" accepted in Advances in VLSI, Communication, and Signal Processing (2020).
(35) "Spatial Correlation Based Device Level Clustering for IoT" accepted in 2019 IEEE Conference on Information and Communication Technology (2019).
(36) "WEED-MC: Wavelet Transform for Energy Efficient Data Gathering and Matrix Completion" accepted in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (2019) (Impact Factor: 2.6).
(37) "Stream Processing With Concept Drift for Event Identification in Sensors Enabled IoT Environment" accepted in IEEE Sensors Journal (2019), (Impact Factor: 3.073).
(38) "Network Health Monitoring of WSNs Using Node Loss Rate Calculations" accepted in Wireless Personal Communications (2019) (Impact Factor: 1.2).
(39) "ODECS: An OnDemand Explosion-Based Compressed Sensing Using Random Walks in Wireless Sensor Networks." accepted in IEEE Systems Journal (2019) (Impact Factor: 4.337).
(40) "DLME: Distributed Log Mining Using Ensemble Learning for Fault Prediction." accepted in IEEE Systems Journal (2019) (Impact Factor: 4.337).
(41) "Pattern mining for large distributed dataset: A parallel approach (PMLDD)" accepted in KSII Transactions on Internet & Information Systems (2018) (Impact Factor: 0.611).
(42) "Frequent Itemset Mining in Large Datasets a Survey" accepted in International Journal of Information Retrieval Research (IJIRR) (2017)
(43) "Low Cost Localization using Nyström Extended Locally Linear Embedding" accepted in Pattern Recognition Letters (2018).
(44) "Patch based LLE with Selective Neighborhood for Node Localization" accepted in IEEE Sensors Journal (2018).
(45) "Node Scheduling and Compressed Sampling for Event Reporting in WSNs" accepted in IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (2018), DOI: 10.1109/TNSE.2018.2799845.
(46) "In-network data processing in wireless sensor networks using compressed sensing" accepted in Int. J. Sensor Networks (2018), Vol. 26, No. 3, pp.174–189. (SCI) (Impact Factor: 0.454), Inder Science Publishers.
(47) "Accurate Detection of Important Events in WSNs" accepted in IEEE Systems Journal (2018) (Impact factor: 3.8).
(48) "A Compressed Sensing Approach to Resolve the Energy Hole Problem in Large Scale WSNs" accepted in Wireless Personal Communications 99, no. 1 (2018): 185-201.
(49) "In-network data processing in wireless sensor networks using compressed sensing" accepted in International Journal of Sensor Networks 26, no. 3 (2018): 174-189.
(50) "Voronoi Neighbor Based Energy Efficient Event Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks" accepted in AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications (2017). (Impact Factor: 1.147).
(51) "Compressed Sensing Framework for Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks" accepted in Wireless Personal Communications 92, no. 2 (2017): 529-548.
(52) "DBCS: A Decomposition Based Compressive Sensing for Event Oriented Wireless sensor Networks," accepted in Wireless Personal Communication (2017). DOI: 10.1007/s11277-017-5103-5 (Impact factor: 0.951).
(53) "In-Network Data Processing Based on Compressed Sensing in WSN: A Survey," accepted in Wireless Personal Communication (2017). doi:10.1007/s11277-017-4288-y (Impact factor: 0.951).
(54) "Energy Efficient Event Detection Using Probabilistic Inference in Wireless Sensor Networks," accepted in IETE Journal of Research, 2017 (Impact Factor: 0.909).
(55) "Frequent Itemset Mining in Large Datasets: A Survey," accepted in International Journal of Information Retrieval Research (IJIRR), IGI publication, 2017 (Scopus Indexed) .
(56) "Adaptive Locally Linear Embedding for Node Localization in Sensor Networks," accepted in IEEE Sensors Journal ( Volume: PP, Issue: 99 ) DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2017.2681100 (Impact factor: 2.512).
(57) "Incremental LLE for Localization in Sensor Networks," accepted in IEEE Sensors Journal 17, no. 19 (2017): 6483-6492. (Impact factor: 2.512).
(58) "In-network Data Processing in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Compressed Sensing," accepted in International Journal of Sensor Networks 1(1):1 · January 2016 DOI: 10.1504/IJSNET.2016.10001449 (Impact Factor: 0.637).
(59) "Hierarchical compressed sensing for cluster based wireless sensor networks," " International J Adv Comput Sci Appl. 1, No. 7(2016): 58-67 (Scopus Indexed)".
(60) "In-Network Data Processing Based on Compressed Sensing in WSN: A Survey," Wireless Pers Commun (2017) 96: 2087. (Impact factor 0.957).
(61) "Compressed sensing based acoustic event detection in protected area networks with wireless multimedia sensors," Multimedia Tools and Applications, pp. 1-25 (2016) (Impact Factor: 1.530).
(62) "Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks using Homomorphic Encryption," International Journal of Electronics (2015).
(63) "Analysis of Stock Volatility Clustering Using ANN,"Information Resource Management journal (IRMJ) 28, no.(2)(2015):32-45 (Scopus Indexed)"..
(64) "GMCA: a greedy multilevel clustering algorithm for data gathering in wireless sensor networks," International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems ( Inderscience), Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 198-213 2013 (Scopus Indexed).
(65) "Pattern Generation for Complex Data using Hybrid Mining," International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process, Vol.3, No. 4, pp. 127-135, 2013 (Scopus Indexed).
(66) "Applications of Data Mining in Dynamic Social Network Analysis," Data Mining in Dynamic Social Networks and Fuzzy Systems, pp. 110-121, IGI-Global 2013 .
(67) "Combined Mining Approach to Generate Patterns for Complex Data," CCSIT, SIPP, AISC, PDCTA-2013, pp. 91-97,2013 .
(68) "XQuery based Query Processing Architecture in Wireless Sensor Networks," International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 43, No. 23, pp. 5-10, 2012 .
(69) "Two phase clustering based aggregation in WSN ," International Journal of Data Mining, Modeling and Management ( Inderscience), Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 216-237, 2010.
(1) "Applied Big Data Analytics in Operations Management” " by IGI Global publications,USA, September 2016
(1) "Optimizing Software Error Proneness Prediction Using Bird-Mating Algorithm" accepted for publication in book "Software Project Management for Distributed Computing: Life-Cycle Methods for Developing Scalable and Reliable Tools." under Springer(2016)
(2) "Predictive Analytics in Operations Management" for the book "Applied Big Data Analytics in Operations Management (2016):68." under the IGI-Global publisher, USA. (2016)
(3) "Collaborative Filtering Based Data Mining for Large Data" for the book "Collaborative Filtering Based Data Mining for Large Data (2016):115" under the IGI-Global publisher, USA. (2016)
(4) "Rules Extraction using Data Mining in Historical Data" for the book "Business Intelligence: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (2015):263" under the IGI-Global publisher, USA. (2015)
(5) "Rule optimization of Web-logs data using Evolutionary Technique" for the book "Research Methods: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (2015):158" IGI-Global publisher, USA (2015)
(6) "Rules Extraction uaing data mining in Historical data" for the book "Data mining and Analysis in Engineering field" (2014):89. [IGI-Global publisher, USA]
(7) "Applications of data mining in social network analysis" for the book "Data mining in Dynamic Social Networks and Fuzzy Systems (2013), pp. 110-121." under the IGI-Global publisher, USA. (2013)
International/National Conference
(1) "Distributed Decision Fusion for Large Scale IoT-Ecosystem" in 15th IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip (MCSoC), December 19-22, 2022, Penang, Malaysia.
(2) "Stock Market Prediction Using Ensemble Learning and Sentimental Analysis”," in 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning, Image Processing, Network Security and Data Sciences, December 11-12, 2021, National Institute of Technology, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.
(3) "Sound Event Detection using Federated Learning" in 9th IEEE UP Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering 2-4 December 2022, IIIT Allahabad, India
(4) "A Methodological review of Time Series Forecasting with Deep Learning Model : A Case study on Electricity Load and Price Prediction”," in 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning, Network Security and Data Sciences, December 11-12, 2021, National Institute of Technology, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.
(5) "A Hybrid Approach based Stress Monitoring System for Offce Environment using IoT" in IEEE 19th India Council International Conference, 24th to 26th Nov 2022, Kochi Kerala, India.
(6) "Performance Analysis and Deployment of Partitioning Strategies in Apache Spark International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering" in 7th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering, September 07-08, 2022 UPES, Dehradun, India.
(7) "IoT Based Plant Disease Detection and Classifcation: A Study on Learning Models" in International Conference on Advances in Data-driven Computing and Intelligent Systems (ADCIS), July 12- 14, 2021.
(8) "Cluster Based Smart Random Walk for Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network" in International Conference on, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS2021), July 12- 14, 2021.
(9) "Air Quality Analysis During COVID-19 Utilizing Satellite Data”, (CONIT), " in 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies, June 24-26, 2022, Karnataka, India.
(10) "COVID-19 Short Term Forecasting Using LSTM”," in 3rd International Conference on Recent Innovative Trends in Computer Science and Applications (ICRITCSA-2022), Bangalore, Karnataka, India, India, May 6-7, 2022.
(11) "Distributed Item Recommendation using Sentiment Analysis”, " in 3rd International Conference on Data Science and Applications (ICDSA 2022), March 26-27, 2022, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India.
(12) "“Improving Classification Accuracy Using Data Fusion Technique in IoT" " in International Conference on, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS2021), July 12- 14, 2021.
(13) "“Multiclass Imbalanced Big Data Classification Utilizing Spark Cluster" " in 12th International Conference on, Computing Communication and Networking (ICCCNT 2021), July 6 - 8, 2021.
(14) "“Fingerprint Identification using Modified Capsule Network" " in 12th International Conference on, Computing Communication and Networking (ICCCNT 2021), July 6 - 8, 2021.
(15) "“Regularized Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network" " in International Conference on, IAPR International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing (CVIP2020), December 4-6, 2020.
(16) "“Food Recommendation System using Neural Collaborative Filtering and Sentiment Analysis" " in International Conference on, Advancements in Interdisciplinary Research (ICAIR2020), july 2020.
(17) "“Data Management in Mobile Computing" " in International Conference on, "Knowledge & Policy for Sustainable Development: Global Lessons and Local Challenges", 25th September to 27th September, 2019 at GGS Indraprastha University, Delhi.
(18) "“Mining Data and Big data algorithms”. " in International Conference on, “Machine Intelligence and Signal Processing, MISP-2019”, September 7-10, 2019, IIIT- Allahabad, Prayagraj.
(19) "Sparse Matrix Completion for Effective Recommendation System, " in International Conference on VLSI, Communication and Signal Processing, 2018.
(20) "Applying Big Data Intelligence for Real Time Machine Fault Prediction, " in International Conference on Big Data Analytics, pp. 376-391. Springer, Cham, 2018.
(21) "Pattern generation from event oriented sensor data using distributed sensor transaction model, "accepted for publication in 4th Multidisciplinary international social networks conference (MISNC 2017), Bangkok, Thailand.
(22) "Jellyfish Detection Using Wireless Sensor Networks, "accepted for publication in International Conference on Information and Communication Technology(CICT-2017), 3-5 November.
(23) "Sparse Data Recovery Using Optimized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, "accepted for publication in 8Th International conference on Ambient Systems, Networks & Technologies (ANT'2017), Madeira, Portugal.
(24) "Monitoring deforestation using acoustic signals, " in International conference on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (BSB), pp. 1-4.IEEE, 2016.
(25) "Privacy Preserving In-network Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks, " in 11th International Conference on Future Networks and Communications (FNC-2016), 2016, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
(26) "Locally Linear Embedding for Node Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks, " in International conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication networks (CICN), pp. 126-130.IEEE, 2015.
(27) "Data aggregation based link loss inference in wireless sensor networks, " in IEEE UP Section Conference on Electrical Computer and Electronics (UPCON),2015, pp. 1-5.IEEE, 2015.
(28) "Combined mining approach to generate patterns for complex data, " in International conference on computer science and information technology, February 18-20, 2013, Banglore.
(29) "Rule extraction in Health care data, " in National Seminar on Data Mining in Health Care (supported by CSIR), June 1-2, 2013, IIIT, Allahabad.
(30) "Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) Database Analysis for Finding Association among Traits, " in International Conference on Bioinformatics and System Biology, 19-21 Feb 2010.
(31) Publised in IEEE Xplore paper titled "Clustering approach to Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks," in ICON-2008, 12-14 December, 2008, IIT Roorkee.
(32) Publised in IEEE Xplore paper titled "Data Clustering in Sensor Networks using ART, " in
WCSN 2008, 27-29 December, 2008, IIIT-Allahabad.
(33) Publised in IEEE Xplore paper titled "Querying video sensor networks, " in
WCSN- 2007, 11-15 December 2007, IIIT-Allahabad.
List of Journal Papers (Under Review- Revision Sent)
(1) "ODECS: An On-Demand Explosion based Compressed Sensing using Random Walks in Wireless Sensor Networks, "under review in
Systems Journal, Elsevier.
(2) "Pattern mining for large distributed dataset A parallel approach-PMLDD, "submitted to IETE
Journal of Research - Taylor & Francis.
(3) "Distributed Synthesized Association Mining for Big Transactional Data, "submitted to
Sadhana – Springer.
Reviewer of Following Refereed Journals
• Systems Journal, Elsevier
• IETE Journal of Research - Taylor & Francis
• Sadhana – Springer
• Wireless Personal Communications (Impact Factor: 1.2)
• IEEE Systems Journal (Impact Factor: 4.337)
• KSII Transactions on Internet & Information Systems (Impact Factor: 0.611)
• International Journal of Information Retrieval Research (IJIRR)
• Pattern Recognition Letters
• IEEE Sensors Journal
• IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering
• Multimedia Tools and Applications (Impact Factor: 1.530)
• IETE Journal of Research (Impact Factor: 0.909)
• AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications (Impact Factor: 1.147)
• International Journal of Sensor Networks
• International Journal of Electronics