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2011 M.Tech Thesis

Name: Abhinav Saund (M.Tech. IS)

Title: Change Detection in Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Images based on Object Based Image Analysis



Name: Sneh Kumari (M.Tech. HCI)

Title: Object Based Multisensor Remote Sensing Image Fusion



Name: Piyush Kumar (M.Tech. HCI)

Title: Real-Time Hand Gesture Recognition using Data Glove



Name: Akshay Sapre (M.Tech. HCI)

Title: Recognition of Human Action in Video System



Name: Kuldeep Verma (M.Tech. HCI)

Title: Vision Based Paper Currency Classification System


Name: Priyanka Sinha (M.Tech. HCI)

Title: GPU-accelerated Focus and Context based Visualization of Volume Medical


Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad, India.