PhD students
- Rahul Maurya (2017-2022), Postdoctoral Fellow, IIT Kanpur. Thesis
- Himanshu Kumar (2021- ).
- Hemant Kumar (2022- ).
- (With Fernanda Botelho and Himanshu Kumar) Generalized k-circular bi-potents on Normed Spaces, in preparation.
- (With Fernanda Botelho and Rahul Maurya) Approximate local isometries on C^2[0, 1], in preparation.
- (With Rahul Maurya) Weighted composition operators on vector-valued Lipschitz spaces, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, to appear.
- (With Fernanda Botelho) Kakutani's automorphism theorem for vector-valued bounded holomorphic functions, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 524 (2023), no. 2, 127216, pdf.
- (With Rahul Maurya) Algebraic Reflexivity of isometries on spaces of continuously differentiable functions, Ricerche di Matematica, 71 (2022), no. 1, 169–177, pdf.
- (With Fernanda Botelho) Numerical Index of vector-valued function spaces, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 70 (2022), no. 11, 2117-2126, pdf.
- (With Rahul Maurya) Local isometries on subspaces and subalgebras of function spaces, Operators and Matrices 16 (2022), no. 1, 11-18, pdf.
- (With Rahul Maurya) Projections in the convex hull of isometries on C^2[0, 1], Positivity 25 (2021), no. 5, 2003-2016, pdf.
- Reflexivity of isometries of order n, Colloquium Mathematicum 159 (2020), 223-230, pdf.
- Generalized 3-circular projections for unitary congruence invariant norms, Banach J. Math. Anal. 10 (2016), no. 3, 451-465, pdf.
- (with S. Dutta) Structures of generalized 3-circular projections for symmetric norms, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci. 126 (2016), no. 2, 241-252, pdf.
- (with Fernanda Botelho and James Jamison) Representation of generalized bi-circular projections on Banach spaces, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 80 (2014), no. 3-4, 591-601, pdf.
- (with S. Dutta) Projections in the convex hull of three surjective isometries on C(Ω), J. Math. Anal. Appl. 379 (2011), no. 2, 878-888, pdf.