1. What is a handle?
2. What is a viable prefix?
3. What is a prefix grammar? How it generates regular language?
4. Draw NFA diagram to recognize viable prefixes.
5. How to create the parse tree using parsers?
6. Find how many parse trees will be created for a hello world program in C?
7. What changes to be done to make the DFA to recognize handles from NFA?
8. How symbol table maintain the variables of multiple functions having same variable name? How the link of one symbole table to another symbol table is created.
9. What is kernel and non-kernel items?
10. What is the use of S-attirbuted SDD and L-attributed SDD?
11. What is the role of Semantic Analyser?
12. What are the errors deducted by Lexical, Syntax and Semantic analysers?
13. How to eliminate the left recursion if semantic rules are inside the SDT production?
14. What are the differences between SLR(1) and LALR(1) other than table construction procedure?
15. How do we perform error recovery in LR parsing?