International Journals
- Ashutosh Kumar, L. Kavisankar, S. Venkatesan, Manish Kumar, Suneel Yadav, Sandeep Kumar Shukla, Rahamatullah Khondoker (2024), "IoT Device Security Audit Tools: A Comprehensive Analysis and a Layered Architecture Approach for Addressing Expanded Security Requirements", accepted to publish in the International Journal of Information Security, Springer.
Yuvaraj Rajendra, Venkatesan Subramanian and Sandeep Kumar Shukla (2024), "Sybil Attack Detection in ultra-dense VANETs using Verifiable Delay Functions", Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, Springer.
Yuvaraj Rajendra, Sachin Sahu, Venkatesan Subramanian and Sandeep Kumar Shukla (2023), "Storage Efficient Blockchain Models for Constrained Applications", International Journal on Cluster Computing, Volume 26, pages 2163–2181, Springer.
Venkatesan Subramanian, KK and Pallapa Venkataram (2022), "A Concept Map based Teaching of Compiler Design for Undergraduate Students", published in EAI Endorsed Transactions on e-Learning, Vol.8, No.1.
Nitish Andola, Sourabh Prakash, Vijay Kumar Yadav, Raghav, S. Venkatesan and Shekhar Verma (2022), "A Secure Searchable Encryption Scheme for Cloud using Hash based Indexing", Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Vol,126, pp. 119-137,Elsevier.
Jaya Singh, Ayush Sinha, Priyanka Goli, Venkatesan Subramanian, Sandeep Kumar Shukla and Om Prakash Vyas (2021), "Insider Attack Mitigation in a Smart Metering Infrastructure using Reputation Score and Blockchain Technology", International Journal of Information Security, Springer.
Venkatesan S., Vladimir A. Oleshchuk, Chellappan C., and Sourabh Prakash (2016), "Analysis of Key Management Protocols for Social Networks", International Journal of Social Network Analysis and Mining, Vol.6, No.1, Article.3.Springer.
Venkatesan S., Baskaran R., Chellappan C., Anurika Vaish and
Dhavachelvan P.(2013), "Artificial Immune System based Mobile Agent Platform Protection", International Journal on Computer Standard and Interfaces, Elsevier Standards, Vol.35, No.4,pp.365-373.
Venkatesan S., Saleem Basha M.S., Chellappan C., Anurika Vaish and
Dhavachelvan.P (2013), " Analysis of accounting models to detect duplicate
request in Web Service", Journal of King Saud
University - Computer and Information Sciences, Elsevier Standards, Vol.25, No.1,pp.7-24.
Venkatesan S., Chellappan C., Vengattaraman C., Dhavachelvan P. and Anurika
Vaish (2010), 'Advanced Mobile Agent Security Models for Code Integrity
and Malicious Availability Check', International Journal of Computer
and Network Applications,Elsevier Standards, Vol No.33, pp.661-671.
Venkatesan S., Chellappan C. and Dhavachelvan P.(2010), 'Performance
analysis of mobile agent failure recovery in E-Service applications',
International Journal on Computer Standard and Interfaces, Elsevier
Standards, Vol.32,No.1-2,pp.38-43.
Venkatesan S. and Chellappan C. (2009), 'Free Roaming Mobile Agent
(FRoMA) Protection against Multiple Attacks', International Journal on
Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, Inderscience Publishers,
Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 362-383.
Venkatesan S. and Chellappan C. (2009), 'Generating Routing Table of
Free-Roaming Mobile Agent in Distributed Environment',
International Journal on Computer standard and Interfaces, Elsevier
Standards, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 428-436.
Venkatesan S. and Chellappan C. (2008), 'Inaugurating Free-Roaming
Mobile Agent (FRoMA) Based Secured e-Health Model', eHealth
International Journal, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 14-19.
International Conferences
- Swaroop Dora, Brijesh Peshvani, Ashutosh Kumar, Piyush Tiwari, S. Venkatesan, Sandeep Kumar Shukla, Rahamatullah Khondoker (2025),"Automated IoT Device Identification Based on Full Packet Information Using Real-Time Network Traffic", accepted to present in The 17th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS - Workshop on Machine Intelligence in Networked Data and Systems (MINDS) (COMSNETS Workshop '25 - MINDS).
- L. Kavishankar, Ajay Vemuri, S Venkatesan, Rahamatullah Khondoker (2024), 'A Novel Strategy for the Identification of the Operating System of Bluetooth-Enabled Devices for Security Audit" is accepted to publish in the 11th International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security (IOTSMS 2024), Sweden.
- Ashutosh Kumar, Brijesh Peshvani, S Venkatesan, Manish Kumar, Suneel Yadav and Sandeep Kumar Shukla (2023), 'Automated Security Audit Testbed for IP-Based IoT Devices without Physical Access' is accepted to publish in the 10th International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security (IOTSMS 2023), San Antonio, Texas , USA.
- Shivam Mishra, Aditya Ray, Manpreet Singh, S Venkatesan and Anshu S. Anand (2023), 'Automated Hardware Auditing Testbed for UART and SPI based IoT Devices' is accepted to publish in the 10th International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security (IOTSMS 2023), San Antonio, Texas , USA.
- Yuvaraj Rajendra, Venkatesan Subramanian and Sandeep Kumar Shukla (2023), 'BlockPaaS: Blockchain Platform as a Service', accepted for publication in the 15th International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworkS - COMSNETS 2023 under Demo and Exhibits Category.
- S. Venkatesan, Sandeep Kumar Shukla and Yuvaraj Rajendra (2022), 'TrustSim: A Decentralized Reputation and Trust Model Simulator', published in the proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA 2022).
Yuvaraj Rajendra, Sachin Sahu, Venkatesan Subramanian and Sandeep Kumar Shukla (2021), 'A Storage Efficient Blockchain Model for Constrained Applications', published in the proceedings of The Third IEEE International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA2021), Tartu, Estonia, pp. 73-80. [Online]
- Venkatesan Subramanian, Yuvaraj Rajendra, Shubham Sahai and Sandeep Kumar Shukla (2020), 'Decentralized Device Authentication Model Using the Trust Score and Blockchain Technology for Dynamic Networks' published in the proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Blockchain Conference, Greece. [Online]
- Venkatesan S et al. (2019), 'Simplification of Compiler Design Course Teaching using Concept Maps', Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Information Technology in Education (ICITE 2019), Sydney, Australia, pp.91-102.
- Akansha Pandey, Ezhil S.Kalaimannan and Venkatesan.S (2015), 'An Information Diffusion Model to analyse the behavior of Online Social Network based Malwares', Proceedings of The 2015 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, Las Vegas, USA, pp.867-868.
- Preeti Yadav, Savita Gupta and Venkatesan.S (2014), 'Trust model for Privacy in Social Networking using Probablistic Determination', Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology (ICRTIT 2014),Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University, Chennai. (Best Paper Award).
Ragini, Parul Mehrotra and Venkatesan.S (2014), 'An efficient model for Privacy and Security in Mobile Cloud Computing',Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology (ICRTIT 2014), Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University, Chennai.
Venkatesan S. and Abhishek Vaish. (2011), 'Multi-Agent based Dynamic
Data Integrity protection in cloud computing', Proceedings of the
International Conference on Advances in Communication, Network, and
Computing- CNC 2011,Bangalore,Volume 142, part 1, pp. 76-82.
Venkatesan S. and Chellappan C. (2008), 'Identifying the Split
Personality of the Malicious Host in the Mobile Agent Environment',
Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent
Systems, Bulgaria, pp. 14-40 to 14-44.
Venkatesan S. and Chellappan C. (2008), 'Protection of Mobile Agent
Platform through Attack Identification Scanner (AIS) by Malicious
Identification Police (MIP)', Proceedings of the IEEE International
Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology,
(ICETET'2008), India, pp. 1228-1231.
Venkatesan S. and Chellappan C. (2008), 'Protection of Malicious Host to
Host Attack in the Free Roaming Mobile Agent (FRoMA) Environment',
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Advances in Computing
(ICAC 2008), India, pp. 1-4.
Venkatesan S. and Chellappan C. (2007), 'Performance of Protecting Free
Roaming Mobile agent against Multiple Colluded Attacks', Proceedings of
the IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computer Vision and
Information Technology(ACVIT'07), India, pp. 16-24.
Venkatesan S. and Chellappan C. (2007), 'Protecting Free Roaming Mobile
Agent against Multiple Colluded Truncation Attacks', ACM Proceedings of
International Conference on Mobile Multimedia
Communication(MobiMedia'07), Greece, pp. 293-297.
Venkatesan S. and Chellappan C. (2007), 'Recovery model for Free Roaming
Mobile Agent against Multiple Attacks', ACM Proceedings of
International Conference on Mobile Multimedia Communication
(MobiMedia'07), Greece, pp. 275-279.
Venkatesan S. and et al. (2006), 'Autonomous Scattered
Firewall', Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Intelligent
System and Control(ISCO'06), Coimbatore, India.
Book Chapters
- Venkatesan Subramanian, Shubham Sahai, Sandeep Kumar Shukla and Jaya Singh (2020), 'Secure and Decentralized Management of Health Records' in the Edited Book entitled 'Applications of Blockchain in Healthcare'. This Edited Book is published in the book series of Springer entitled 'Studies in Big Data', pp. 115–139.
Venkatesan S. Chellappan C. Dhavachelvan P.(2012), 'Recovery of
Ubiquitous Multimedia Content Discovery Mobile Agent', published in the
book named Ubiquitous Multimedia and Mobile Agents: Models and
Implementations, Editor: Susmit Bagchi IGI Global Publishing Service,
Venkatesan S. Chellappan C. Anurika Vaish (2012), 'Mobile Agent based
Multimedia Content Discovery', published in the book named Ubiquitous
Multimedia and Mobile Agents: Models and Implementations, Editor: Susmit
Bagchi, IGI Global Publishing Service, USA. pp.135-147.
S.Venkatesan, Shubham Sahai Srivastava and Sandeep Kumar Shukla (2017), "Decentralized Authentication for IoT Devices using the Blockchain", accepted to present in the 2nd Advanced Workshop on Blockchain: Technology, Applications, Challenges, organized by ISRDC, IIT Bombay, India.