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Completed Ph.D. Thesis 


Name: Siddhartha S. Rautaray

Enrl. No.: RS-54

Title: A Framework for Adaptive Vision Based Hand Gesture Interaction



Name: Sarvesh Kr. Vishwakarma

Enrl. No.: RS-51

Title: Investigation of Automated Video Surveillance Techniques for Human Activity Recognition & Modeling



Name: Kamta Nath Mishra (External BIT Mesra PhD student)

Enrl. No.: 170706/2010-11

Title: A framework towards using Multibiometric system based Techniques for Personal Identification




Ongoing Ph.D. Thesis 


Name: Piyush kumar

Enrl. No.: RS-109

Title: GPU-based Large Scale Volume Rendering in Immersive Environment



Name: P. Mangal Raj

Enrl. No.: RS-133

Title: Analysis of Multisensory Remote Sensing Images



Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad, India.